Saturday, 26 February 2011

Reviewed by you: Puffle Jokes!

This is what BillyBob wrote..

Hello Penguins!
Last week we gave you a sneak peek of some upcoming new puffle food. We asked you what food you'd like puffles to eat in the future. Everyone had some awesome suggestions! Check out Bebolebo's cool idea:

Here's my suggestion: We should be able to buy a BERRY BUSH like the puffles would see in the wild. Then we could put it in the middle of our igloo and the puffles could all eat off of it until the berries are all gone.

Thanks for the comments, everyone!

For this week's Reviewed By You, we want to hear some puffle humor. What's your favorite puffle or pet joke? Post yours in the comments!

We'll publish one joke or riddle (50 - 75 words) in next week's Reviewed By You. If your comment is featured next week, we'll add 10,000 coins to your account. Don't forget to use your penguin name so we can add the coins!

Until then... Waddle on!

Thursday, 24 February 2011

Check out Pink Pulka's blog!
Pink Pulka has made her own blog, visit it at this link

She would love it if you left a comment or followed! :)

Newspaper glitch!

Hey guys, earlier on a found a weird cheat, it won't let you open the newspaper, but when you click it, it shows your penguin reading it even though it's not open!

Heres a picture of me at the iceberg when it first happened...

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

The future of puffles!

BillyBob has posted on the ClubPenguin blog about the future of puffles...

A few puffle updates coming in March are...

More food
Interactive puffles

New game - puffle launch!

Monday, 21 February 2011

Cadence Tracker!
Hey guys! A few trackers I've seen have showed Cadence online at the night club or roof, so I thought I should a Cadence trackers up here on the blog!...

So there it is! I hope it works, I apolagize if it isn't always correct.

Sunday, 20 February 2011

Weird Loading error!

Check out what I saw when trying to log on today...

Weird huh? Has this happened to you??

Pink Pulka's awesome igloo!

PP has decorated her igloo totaly puffle themed!, We thinks it's great and hopefully it will win igloo of the week!

Here it is, Pink Pulka would appreciate it if you left a comment on this post saying what you like and what she can improve on. :)