Friday, 16 April 2010

Ergent blog help!

hey guys, us here at cp mania wanna ask our readers a question... You see, the problem is we are having trouble getting this blog onto google search. you may have noticed that when you type club penguin mania in on google, this blog does not come up! But if you know how to, please leave a comment on this post telling us how. peace out!

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Summer Party review!

this penguin was interviewed about a time when they had been exploring...
This is what one penguin had to say....

My buddies and I once went exploring during a summer party to find the free items and hidden rooms, and we went all over the island, and even went to a red vs. blue snowball match in someones igloo in the middle of summer! We found so many decorations, and a purple octopus as well! It was so much fun for the five of us, and I don't think we will ever forget it!

Sunday, 11 April 2010

Herberts revenge sneak peek!

yet another sneak peek on the upcoming nintendo ds game!

Hhmm, what could this be, a statue of herbert?