Saturday, 20 February 2010

Do you guys like dramas???

Soon we will hopefully has part 1 of a clubpenguin drama story up here, with pictures and everything, it takes a while to produce the best story though! Keep playing with your puffles at the party in the meantime, over n out!( LOL).

Have fun! P.S. we will also me aving compotitions, so don't forget to keep checking back.

Friday, 19 February 2010


For the puffle hat item, go to the plaza!

For the members only area, go to the puffle show at ski village!

get the wicked puffle jacket there!

Theres also a new Better igglos catalog, Finally!

Monday, 15 February 2010

ClubPenguin DS Game sequel!!

The club penguin ds game was a hit!!, so club penguin decided to make a sequel called herbet's revenge! They say its gonna be released in mid 2010!

When it finally comes out, we will be down the shops to get it faster than lightening!

Easter bunny Plushy!?

The clubPenguin plushies are very cute, but look at this new easter bunny plush toy! It's not listed in the clubpenguin toy section....

Oh yeah, and I forgot to mention, im polkadot 114, and this is my new cp blog! I seen lots of cp blogs around the internet and I hope this one is a success and all you guys like it :)

Sunday, 14 February 2010


New play at the stage!

It is the secrets of the bamboo forest! you need to get the pin at the beacon

before you can get the background there.

The pin is hidden at the beacon in the mysterious box!

Orange puffle oblivion!

The ORANGE PUFFLE has been spotted at the ski lodge! we managed to get a picture for you guys...

Do you think it will come out in the puffle party?

Puffle Party Update!

The Puffle party is aproching! And as ClubPenguin always do, they have given away some sneak peeks, and let slip what the rooms will look like.....

Also, clubPenguin named this picture on the right, White Puffle room!

Servers: Full ones

Clothes:Funky! or
dressin cutey pengy!

As you as a buddy?:
yes, I'll make room! :D


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